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Our Projects

Our wide range of projects were all dreamt up by students, started up by students, and are now managed on a daily basis, with exceptional professionalism, by students. With over 50 projects to choose from, we hope you’ll find one that’s for you!

Got an idea for a new project? Get in touch! We are always looking for new projects and new ways to meet community need. You don’t even have to run the project yourself, but if you choose to, you will be supported all the way in setting up and running it.

If you have an idea, please contact us:

If you have an idea, please drop into the office to discuss the possibilities, or e-mail us at [email protected].

The Project Catalogue offers an overview of all our projects for 2022-23, and how to start volunteering with us.


Our educational projects serve hundreds of young people in Durham, operating both from the university premises and onsite at local schools.


These projects work with a diverse group of service users to combat issues surrounding social isolation in our local community.


Student volunteers often work with partners for environmental causes including: Wharton Park, Botanic Gardens, Old Durham Gardens, the Auckland Project, Durham City Council, Durham Wildlife Trust, and more.


Our students run a range of outreach projects based around the benefits of sports and physical activity for mind, body and soul!

Lead A Project

Project Leaders are recruited every year for each project. The role of Project Leader is a great opportunity to improve your skills, enhance your volunteer experience, and get more involved with a particular project you are passionate about.

Recruitment for project leaders for next year will start around March, so keep your eye on the website for details!

Roles and Responsibilities of Project Leaders